Dimitri Hammond's Chalk Attack! featured at Flipside, 2006, Fall From Grace.
Fall From Grace: Flipside, May, 2006
Austin's regional burning man-type event, Flipside, is a venue for over a thousand artisans and other cool people. I drove the Subie around the event, through the numerous camps and back alleys and collected some fun decorations!
NOTICE: I knew that there would be a lot of people adding their own personal touch to the Chalk Attack so I took many pictures along the way revealing the different "phases" of decoration.
A game to guide you...
I spy...
--smoking duck
--8 spirals
--reef-type underwater thing?
--gas can
--2 apples
--bow tie
--2 people sitting (one's itty bitty and red)
--6 flowers
--My OTher Car is a _______
--Bea Arthur
Phase 0: Clean Slate

And her cherry is popped!
Phase 1: Getting In
DMV(Department of Mutant Vehicles):
I finally got my permit...
...but not without the volunteers' additions to the hood:
Phase 2: Parked
(Day 1)
Outside Camp ISH:
(and not much else to report)
Phase 3: Driving
(Day 2)
Lower Field:
Upper Field:
(it's now definitely on my reading list!)
Yes, my minions! Decorare! DECORATE! DECORATE!!
Phase 4: Parked Again
(Day 3)
Outside Camp ISH:
I know I left out some pictures, specifically of the top, and a better shot of the window, so I'll look into taking some more.
I want to thank all that helped decorate the CHalk Attack! I hope the experience was an awesome one!
Copyright © 2006 By Dimitri Hammond